Press releases

On this page, you will find all our latest Press Releases and News.

For all press enquiries, photo or filming requests or photocalls, do not hesitate to contact:

Contact list of staff members

List of press Articles

  1. New Mobilities "On the turn"? - A Conference Symposium hosted by The Place, with Dance Studies Association & Society for Dance Research

  2. London Contemporary Dance School postgraduate students to be based at Studio Wayne McGregor at Here East for 2023/24

  3. Dr Vânia Gala joins the Postgraduate Team at London Contemporary Dance School

  4. The MA Screendance at London Contemporary Dance School hosts The Screendance Circle

  5. The Place announces its Autumn 2023 season

  6. Introducing new MA Dance: Participation, Communities, Activism and its international co-curating team

  7. David Blackburn and Helen Bailey join the Board of Governors of The Place

  8. Resolution 2023 -The UK’s biggest festival of new choreography returns to The Place

  9. Family Friday at The Place - A fun day of dance for the whole family to enjoy during the spring holidays

  10. The Place announces its 2023 Summer Season

  11. The Place launches Suite of CPD Courses for Professional Dance Teachers

  12. The Place announces the Stomping Ground Commission 2023