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再來一次,我們再來一次!溫柔的聲音伴隨著堅定的語氣,編舞者賴翠霜要舞者以口白伴隨身體動作,一遍遍的說著自己身體的特徵;舞者們一邊比著自己的身體部位,道出自己心裡很在意的地方,在這個一遍又一遍的過程中,卻也帶出動作的清晰度,也帶出舞者在展示自己時的自信感受。舞者們在揣摩編舞者給的意象,並用具體的身體語彙回應著。看到舞者們伴隨著動作反覆練習口白,專注的神情,將我帶入他們要表達的意境中,這個Moment 讓我眼睛為之一亮。

要一起,Be together,要在一起。在一起指的是呼吸一起、動作一起,編舞者精雕細琢舞者的動作,舞者沒有做好,編舞者就一直打磨細節,希望舞者可以理解她的語言引導。在過程中,翠霜並不常給予很多動作的示範,但卻能夠將舞者的特質引發出來,即使遠遠的距離觀看,仍能看到每個舞者特殊的氣質。


“Again, let’s do it again!” With a gentle voice accompanied by a firm tone, choreographer Lai Tsui Shuang asks the dancers to verbalize and demonstrate their body characteristics repeatedly. The dancers point to their body parts and express what they care about, and through this repetitive process, their movements become clearer, and their confidence in showcasing themselves grows. The dancers interpret the choreographer's imagery and respond with concrete body language. Watching the dancers practice their lines and movements with focused expressions draws me into the realm they aim to convey, and this moment makes my eyes light up.

We must be together, be together, be united. Being together means breathing together, moving together. The choreographer meticulously refines the dancers’ movements, and if the dancers don't perform well, the choreographer keeps polishing the details, hoping the dancers can understand her guidance through words. During this process, Tsui Shuang rarely demonstrates the movements herself but can still evoke the dancers’ unique qualities. Even from a distance, the unique aura of each dancer is visible.

In the process of observation, placing dancers from different cultural and training backgrounds together and finding a unified rhythm and breath while maintaining individual charisma within the uniformity once again amazes me.

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Rayuan Tseng