4 Stars

bursting with vitality

The Times

4 Stars

confidently warm and funny

The Guardian

AFTER ALL is a celebration of our vulnerable and courageous existence. Solène melds dance, comedy, storytelling, and theatre to ask - what happens in the end?

Through a series of impassioned re-enactments of the funerals of those she’s loved - as well as imagining her own - Solène attempts to conjure a better space, to be with death, dying and loss.

AFTER ALL is a heartfelt exploration of the death rituals we have; the ones lost and those that need invented. Joyously bringing us together to explore the role that dancing might play in healing.

This show is touring as part of the Rural Touring Dance Initiative, a national project which supports dance artists and rural promoters to make great dance performance events happen in rural spaces.

About Solène Weinachter

Solène Weinachter is a freelance dancer and choreographer.

Her artistic practice is rooted in the intersection between dance, theatre, story telling and humour, with the aim to create space for what could be perceived as ‘uncomfortable conversations’.


Cast And Creatives

Director & Performer: Solène Weinachter
Matthias Strahm
Lighting Design & Production Manager: Emma Jones
Filmmaker: Rachel Bunce
Script Adviser & Dramaturgy: Chris Thorpe
Artist Companion & Dramaturgy: Neil Callaghan
Outside Eye & Engagement: Lisa Fannen
Producer: Helen McIntosh
Production & Stage Manager: Amy Steadman
Genevieve Reeves
BSL performance Interpreter:
Yvonne Strain
LSF performance interpreter:
Carlos Carrera
Audio Description:
Raquel Meseguer and Laura Dannequin
Marketing and Communications:
Karen Steel
Storytelling PR

Social Media


Solène WeinachterInterview

Choose dates and book

  • :Melrose Corn Exchange, Scotland. Coming Soon
  • :The Tolmen Centre, Cornwall. Book Now
  • :The George Inn, Croscombe. Book Now