Sádé Budhlall

Sádé Budhlall is an Indian Classical Odissi dance artist from Trinidad and Tobago who, after more than a decade of traditional training, now works at the intersection of performance and social transformation. She is a recipient of the Global South Scholarship. Her work focuses on advancing dance pedagogy through a universal framework rooted in social practice, exploring connection, somatics, embodied activism, phenomenology, leadership, and national identity, drawing from Caribbean cultural forms such as performance, land, mythology, rituals, and oral history traditions. As an independent artist, she collaborates with cultural and community-based organizations and initiatives in her country to address contemporary social issues through culturally informed dance. Central to her practice is challenging colonial frameworks and promoting an inclusive, decolonized, and socially conscious approach to Indian classical and other dance forms.
This program has sharpened my focus and provided me with new pedagogical tools to support my work back home. Supported by a lovely group of engaged dance artists, I am constantly enriched, energized, and inspired by the collective wisdom we share, deepening both my personal growth and my practice in ways I never imagined.
Sádé Budhlall