Dr Nora Amin

Dr Nora Amin is a choreographer, dancer, theatre director, author and scholar. She founded Lamusica Independent Theatre Group in Egypt where she choreographed, directed and produced 40 pieces of dance, theatre and music. In 2011 she founded the nation-wide Egyptian Project for Theatre of the Oppressed and its Arab network. She was a fellow at the Academy of the Arts of the World (2015), Valeska Gert Visiting Professor for dance sciences (Freie Universität Berlin, 2018) and instructor for dance workshops with Tanzfabrik, Berlin Mondiale and Sasha Waltz & Guests (among others) since 2018. She is an expert/consultant at LAFT, mentor of the Goethe Institute's training program and board member of the German Center of the International Theater Institute. She also holds a PhD in cultural policy from the university of Hildesheim.
Current publications include:
Migrating the Feminine / Weiblichkeit im Aufbruch (MSB, Matthes & Seitz, 2018), and Dance of the Persecuted / Tanz der Verfolgten (MSB, Matthes & Seitz, 2021) a feminist approach towards the decolonisation of Baladi Dance / Raqs Sharqi.
Her work covers feminist discourse, topics of oppression, coloniality and trauma healing. Her recent dance creations are “My Dance”, “Live Archive”, “Embodying Voice Rituals”, and “Re-rooting”.
It’s a pioneering program where community dance is finally addressed both as a field of academic study and as a vital place for dance production, dissemination, participation and transformation. It is where we can head towards a transcultural future of dance through practise and progressive guidance.
Dr Nora Amin