SAY the album on tour!
Press Story
23 Aug 2022
Leading centre for dance performance, touring and creation The Place is pleased to announce the Autumn tour of the album by SAY, an energetic dance show bringing together the hype of underground music with the thrill of contemporary dance.
Created by dance company SAY – which comprises Sarah Golding and The Place Work Place Artist Yukiko Masui – the album is a mixture of music, personal stories and dance, featuring fast-paced and slick dance routines to original music tracks from a dynamic range of talented artists. This autumn run, which premieres at DanceEast and tours to the UK, will also engage live local musicians from some of the participating locations.
We are so delighted to be taking the album on tour. This project has been cooking since 2019 and we can't wait to show our audiences the top quality bangers on our playlist and introduce people to local music talent. We promise you'll be grooving in or out of your seat!
Sarah and Yuki of SAY
We’re delighted to be bringing Sarah and Yukiko’s the album to audiences across the UK this autumn. Our new Producing and Touring team supports artists to make and tour the very best dance performances to the widest audiences. the album is a great example of a touring show that reaches new audiences to expand their understanding of what dance can be.
The Place's Producing and Touring Team
It is always special to be hosting a premiere, it is also always a delight working with The Place, but it feels particularly poignant that we are starting our autumn season with work from two of our new cohort of associate artists. What more could you want from one evening of dance, Ipswich audiences are in for yet another fantastic treat!
Brendan Keaney OBE, Artistic Director, and CEO, DanceEast
SAY was borne from Sarah Golding and Yukiko Masui’s ambition to rediscover the creativity that can get lost through formal training and to challenge the elitism sometimes associated with contemporary dance. Working closely with new music, artists and musicians, live beatboxing and percussion, SAY's ambition is to recreate the exciting atmosphere found at music gigs, and reach new audiences by setting contemporary dance to underground music.
As well as the indoor tour of the album by SAY taking place this autumn, audiences will be able to get their fill of the outdoor version, the album: live, coming to PoliNations and Greenwich and Docklands International Festival this September. The outdoor version is a snappy excerpt of the album featuring sounds from UK beatbox champion, MC Zani.
The autumn tour of the album by SAY will be an unmissable experience for audiences who love music, dance and everything in between.