Aerowaves Encounters: Embodying the Impossible
from Tom Cassani and Compagnie Les Vagues

About Aerowaves Encounters: Embodying the Impossible
A double bill exploring the choreographic language and movement of magic, illusion, deception and transformation from two European choreographers.
ITERATIONS by Tom Cassani
Following his lifelong obsession with sleight of hand magic, Tom Cassani invites us to consider the performance of the seemingly impossible.
By deconstructing the routines and aesthetic tropes of magic, this exposé of the practising magician reveals how the simple act of plucking a coin from thin air can take a lifetime’s work. Cassani skillfully demonstrates the precision of the magician's craft through action, repetition and self reflection.
An astonishing trio which unfolds a ventriloquist narrative, close to the absurd.
WELCOME by Compagnie Les Vagues
Enter a hybrid universe that oscillates between burlesque and confusion, irony and absurdity, as three bodies and voices dissociate through the magic of ventriloquism.
By continuous transformation and metamorphosis, photographic and poetic moments arise from this discrepancy between what is said, suggested and interpreted. WELCOME illustrates our need to come together, to reach out to others and to form connections.
About Tom Cassani
Tom Cassani is an award-winning performance maker working with choreography, magic, sideshow, and Live Art. His practice draws on an expanded approach to magic, examining the nature of perception. Cassani’s illusory texts, imagery and physicality expose the body as an unreliable measure of truth. Tom was recently awarded a practice-based PhD Scholarship from the University of Huddersfield to study Performance Magic, focusing on Expanded Magic practice. Tom is one of the 2024 selected Aerowaves Artists and works internationally as a consultant and deception dramaturg.
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Tom Cassani -Aerowaves
Cast & Credits for Iterations (Tom Cassani)
Writer, Choreographer, Performer: Tom Cassani
With support and mentorship from Florentina Holzinger as part of Cassani’s research project Expanded Magic.
Expanded Magic was developed within the framework of: Forecast – Skills e.V.
The initial concept of Iterations was developed with support from Karen Christopher, CJ Mitchell, BOLD!, Augusto Corrieri, Tim Bromage, Ocean Hester Stefan Chillingworth and Nik Taylor.
Cast & Credits for WELCOME (Compagnie Les Vagues)
Choreography and Performance: Joachim Maudet with Sophie Lèbre et Pauline Bigot
Light design: Nicolas Galland
Technical manager: Laura Cottard or BriceHelbert
Sound design: Julien Lafosse
Sound director: Rebecca Chamouillet or Julien Lafosse
Outside eye: Yannick Hugron and Chloé Zamboni
Vocal coach: Pierre Derycke
Production & booking: Aline Berthou and Charlotte Bayle – Aoza Production
Production: Les Vagues
Co-production: Le Triangle, cité de la danse / Rennes, KLAP / Marseille, Network « Petites Scènes Ouvertes », Danse à tous les étages, Arsenal Theater / Val-de-Reuil, Vanves Theater / Vanves, National Choreographic Center from Rillieux-La-Pape, dir. Yuval Pick
Support: Le Colombier / Bagnolet, Le Dancing / Val-de-Reuil, Honolulu / Nantes, Danse Dense, Festival Parallèle - Marseille, CND Lyon, Studio Chatha, National Choreographic Centerfrom Rennes
Financial support: DRAC – Ministry of Culture, Brittany Region, City of Rennes