About Aishwarya Raut, Hannah Waters, Seirian Griffiths and Aurora Casatori

What About The Rain? by Aishwarya Raut

What About The Rain?’ is a contemporary dance piece inspired by Mumbai's monsoon season. It explores the concept of hyperreality by sparking questions about authenticity, representation in the digital realm and the surreal nature of our existence alongside other creatures. In essence, it questions the rain's significance and its interconnectedness with our inner selves and the world around us.

About The Artist

Aishwarya is an artist born and brought up in Mumbai, India. She has a MA in Professional Dance Performance and is currently a dancer with Rambert Dance. She has performed nationally and internationally, working with leading contemporary choreographers and collaborating with artists across theatre and film. Her movement vocabulary is inspired by folk dances from the Maharashtra region in India, Bollywood and contemporary dance. Nature, literature and sociocultural factors are some of the key areas that inspire Aishwarya's work.


Cast and Credits

Choreographer/Dancer: Aishwarya Raut
Dancers: Antonello Sangirardi, Angelique Blasco, Alex Soulliere, Caiti Carpenter, Cali Hollister, Dylan Tedaldi, Jonathan Wade, Max Day and Seren Williams
Music: Dylan Tedaldi, Neska and James Smithells aka The Last Morrell
Photography: Antonello Sangirardi andCamilla Greenwell
Video: Ben Chapman

Duet by Hannah Waters

Hannah was five years old when her great aunt, constructivist artist Jean Spencer, passed away. She grew up hearing stories about Jean, with her paintings displayed in the family home, and one memory of a day spent together in Richmond Park.

This movement work is an expression of their relationship, a connection sustained despite Jean’s absence, and developed through encounters with her archives. It uses pattern, repetition, shape, and gesture, inspired by how Jean constructed her artwork through geometry and mathematical sequence.

About The Artist

Hannah Waters is an artist-researcher based in South Wales. She holds an MA in Physical Acting from the University of Kent, Canterbury, and is just coming to the end of a funded practice research PhD project at Northumbria University. Her research explores new methods of working with archival material through movement, and this piece has been developed through her engagement with the Jean Spencer archives. Hannah is an alumnus of SITI Company’s Summer Theatre Workshop at Skidmore College, and of the Duende School of Ensemble Physical Theatre. She now works as a freelance movement practitioner.


Cast and Credits

Devised and performed by Hannah Waters

In All Black, Nothingness Began To Spin by Seirian Griffiths and Aurora Casatori

Our cells interlinked, within one stem

Confronted with a mirror image in an unfamiliar void, two strangers find themselves in a confusing face-off. Through a series of tests, they begin to find conflict and distrust. Is there reconciliation to be found, or are they on a downward spiral into confusion and chaos?

Using dialogue from Blade Runner, No Country For Old Men, and Fight Club, woven into an originally composed score, 'In All Black, Nothingness Began To Spin' is an exploration of power dynamics, control, and mutual challenge.

About The Artist

Aurora Casatori (she/her) and Seirian Griffiths (he/him) studied together at Rambert School, and after both graduating in 2021, they took separate paths as they entered their careers. Aurora worked with choreographers such as Corey Baker, Ellen Kane, and most recently she was part of Motionhouse for their summer production. Seirian performed with BalletBoyz in works by Xie Xin, Maxine Doyle, Holly Blakey, and Russel Maliphant among others, and was in Punchdrunk’s The Burnt City. Their work together is a blend of contemporary dance and physical theatre, combined with their individual movement languages, alongside an originally composed soundtrack by Seirian.

Seirian Griffiths@5eirian

Cast and Credits

Choreographer/performer: Aurora Casatori and Seirian Griffiths
Composer: Seirian Griffiths
Lighting design: Andrew Ellis
Rehearsal direction: Lauren Ablett