Adél Bálint, Alice Ortona Coles and Orla Hardie
Resolution Festival 2024

About Adél Bálint, Alice Ortona Coles and Orla Hardie

Valley Fold by Adél Bálint
Do we truly care about one another or are we simply to be discarded?
Using origami, meditating and music, "Valley Fold" explores the use of well-being tools and calming activities to escape the noise, both from the world and our inner self. The piece also questions the idea of feeling used for the benefit of others around us.
By humanising paper structures, the performers are giving them a chance to express themselves and perhaps turn things around. Embark on a journey which is mysterious and funny with moments of deep reflection.
About The Artist
Adél Bálint has been in several dance companies in Hungary and is now a dancer in Ballet Rambert since 2018 where she worked with many renowned choreographers.
She had many opportunities as a choreographer during her training in the Hungarian Dance Academy. Most recently she choreographed two pieces as part of the Rambert choreographic platforms.
Her first piece "Deep Space" was a duet created and performed in 2021 for the Blueprints event.Her second and most recent work "Valley Fold" is a piece for four dancers which was last performed in July 2023 as part of The Loom.
Cast and Credits
Choreographer: Adél Bálint
Dancers: Naya Lovell, Angélique Blasco, Dylan Tedaldi, Adél Bálint
Composer: Frédéric Despierre
Set: Frédéric Despierre

Too Much, Too Many, All the Time by Alice Ortona Coles
Too Much, Too Many, All the Time’ confronts feelings of overwhelm in our complex, fast-paced, politically-fraught world. Desperately trying to stay afloat, Alice seeks refuge in her imagination, dreaming up alternative existences through spoken word, costume, dance and song, exploring the intersection between our rich, internal worlds and lived realities. In this land of make-believe, she reconnects with reality by listing everything she hates, from the banal (losing her keys) to the deeply personal (not speaking to her brother). Alone in this performative world, she finally realises that what she hates most is isolation.
The play between the everyday and the creative imagination is comical, painful and true, but ultimately, she finds lightness in these human contradictions.
About the Artist
Alice Ortona Coles is a choreographer and designer. She makes performance which encompasses dance, design and theatre. Her work is visually striking and often uses themes of myth and folklore to explore her experience of being alive.
Cast and Credits
Choreographer and performer: Alice Ortona Coles
Music: Jake Burgess
Mentoring and support from Cecilia MacFarlane, Angelique Wilkie and Mélanie Demers.
Lighting: Ed Saunders

SKUMO by Orla Hardie
SKUMO is a double act that explores 'The Uncanny'. The duet looks at the incongruous balance of dark despair and comedic undertones that can sit side by side. It slips between darkness and light bringing waves of frantic intensity and fragile tenderness. The pairing and costumes hint at vaudeville theatre and clowns whilst being general enough to represent us all. Dynamic changes in the soundtrack alter the mood and tone. At times the beauty of slow strings music is at odds with the fast pace and energy of the movement. With influences of slapstick and dark humour, nonsensical pockets of narrative appear and disappear carving a window to the mangled unconscious.
About The Artist
Orla is a dance artist and emerging choreographer freelancing in the UK. She trained at The Place in London and went on to complete an MA with Scottish Dance Theatre. During her career she has worked with Roser Lopez Espinosa, Botis Seva, Emanual Gat, Sofia Nappi and many others. Most recently she has been touring with Tom Dale Company performing a restaging of SUB:VERSION. As a mover and choreographer, she is interested in in grooving with pleasure, sensation and texture. She is curious about psychological arousal amongst audiences and how psychological theories can act as tools to drive her choreography.
Cast and Credits
Choreographer: Orla Hardie in collaboration with Daisy Dancer
Dancers: Orla Hardie and Daisy Dancer
Sound arrangement: Orla Hardie featuring Bær by Hildur Guðnadóttir
Photographer: Ozzy Berzin-Cohen