FAQs for Centre for Advanced Training

When are 'midweek classes' at The Place?
Midweek classes include Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
- Tuesdays (5.30-8.15 pm): Advanced (ballet and contemporary dance).
- Wednesdays (5.30-7.30 pm): Elementary and Intermediate (ballet and contemporary dance).
Who can attend 'midweek classes' at The Place?
Typically, our midweek classes are for London-based students or those who can easily access The Place after school.
For students who live outside of London, CAT will contribute towards a contemporary and ballet class in your local area. These costs are reimbursed on proof of payment and attendance at these classes as agreed in your Student Expense Agreement.
What happens if I can’t attend The Place for midweek classes?
CAT will contribute towards a contemporary and ballet class in your local area, these are reimbursed to you termly on proof of payment and attendance at these classes agreed in your Student Expense Agreement.
What happens on a 'typical' Saturday at The Place?
Students take part in three classes including ballet, contemporary and creative studies. Classes run from 12.30-5.45 pm. Students are given a 45-minute lunch break at 2.00 pm and a 30-minute break at 4.15 pm.
The day sometimes includes a tutorial with staff members. Usually, a tutorial consists of staff members sharing information about upcoming events such as Easter intensives, summer shows and audition toolkits.
What is the total course fee/grant?
The total course fee is £4,032 with this being the maximum amount of grant awarded.
What does the total course fee/grant pay for?
- All classes, projects, intensives and theatre trips.
- Additional classes outside of CAT for those who are unable to attend midweek classes.
- Travel costs as agreed at enrolment. This is usually paid for students living outside of the M25.
- One CAT uniform per year and a CAT hoodie.
What are 'student expenses'?
Student Expenses are an agreement that you have with CAT to determine the amount of money we reimburse you each term for dance classes outside of CAT (where applicable) and travel costs.
Can I claim back expenses for uniform/travel costs?
Yes. Please send in a receipt and claim form to the CAT Team and the costs will be reimbursed through Student Expenses via bank transfer.
What is 'streaming' and how does it work?
Streaming occurs to ensure students are placed in appropriate classes in line with their age and/ or ability. Both the Teaching Faculty and CAT Management carry out these decisions.
Commonly, streaming changes happen during specific times of the year. This gives students time to properly settle into their sets and showcase their abilities. For instance, set 1 contemporary often contains our younger age groups. These students may need more foundational training before moving up.
Can you briefly explain the screening process?
All students are screened once a year by our highly trained physiotherapists to help monitor their growth, development and overall health. This is useful for understanding how to develop and tailor their Individual Training Plans (ITP) whilst safeguarding injury. The ITP details weekly training hours, personal goals and targets, in addition to feedback to ensure each student's needs and progression levels are accounted for.
Are students graded in ballet?
No. We do not grade our students or follow a specific syllabus, the ballet we teach helps to underpin our contemporary training. Although it is not graded, progress is consistently monitored across all classes.
All students are streamed in classes according to their age and/ or ability. This means that if students are attending well and working to the best of their ability, they can confidently progress through the streaming sets.
What performance opportunities are available to CAT students?
Our priority is to focus on the students' technical training, however, we encourage students to engage in both internal and external opportunities. These are available at various times of the year and we make the effort to signpost these when we can. Throughout the year we provide informal sharing's and look forward to our exciting annual summer show.
What information do I need to fill out on the 'ITP forms'?
We need to know of any physical activity your child is doing and for how long in order for us to access whether your child is doing too much, too little or not enough.